Tue May 06, 2014 2:44:57 am
Hey guys, new here, new to Linux. Out of the distro's I've tried so far (Ubuntu, Lubuntu, puppy, fedora and Zorin) I really like zorin the best. Im trying to figure out how to do a full install from the live USB i've got to another usb (8gb) for a full install in it. In the install I've got my Hard drive (500gb), recovery partition, HP Tools and surpport, and the new flash drive under /dev/sdb. The current flashdrive (the one Im currently live booting from) is not showing. So when I click on "install now" it says "no root system file is defined." of course its not, cause i cant get it to show. Any suggesions? Really like to get this going to I can give it a whirl without installing on my hard drive just yet, but want to be persistant/able to save and carry over my changes. Thanks guys, Lucas.