dandv wrote:This no longer works in Zorin OS 6.1. After checking that checkbox and clicking OK to restart the applet, it crashes:
"Whoops, the applet crashed. Click to restart it".
After I click to restart GnoPanel, the Super_L key does nothing. I've tried entering other combinations like Control<F1>, to no effect.
This is really, really lame. Zorin is supposed to make the transition from Windows easy, yet the Win key doesn't work, and Ctrl+Esc doesn't bring up the Start menu.
I don't know, after having to reinstall yesterday I almost felt like I had Windows again.
Ah, the memories. Sorry.
I'll be honest. At this point it's just pride on the line here for me. I have never understood the use of the Windows key, because if people are using not into using a largely mouse-based GUI, they're usually a fan of the terminal (DOS fan). Windows itself got rid of the Windows key for a short while with Win8.THAT SAID: The Super key starts apparently as a modifier key in 12.04, which is what Zorin 6 is based on. Ctrl-Super-Up and Ctrl-Super-Down Maximize and Minimize a Window respectively. They are in System Settings-->keyboard settings-->Windows.
Now, that can be disabled. The question is, what command makes the GnoMenu pop up and can it be assigned the Super_L key without going into dconf settings?
I like my system working fine today too much to find out. Any braver, smarter souls want to see if it can just be changed from the window setings?