Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:04:05 am
But I was concerned that windows xp was fast on my pc but zorin was not.
Tonight I watched a video on zorin 8 and something the guy mentioned a fix for something called tearing, what ever that is, actually fixed my slowness. Now I am happy to say that zorin works as smoothly as windows did.
Here's what he did. Click on zorin menu/ system tools/ preferences / Compiz config settings.
In the right window, Scroll down to Workarounds and click on work arounds. Then scroll to where it says ( Don't wait for video sync and put a check mark in the box to the right of it. The next box under it was checked already I think, it is on mine, but anyway that sped things up a whole lot for me. Whether it works for you or not, I don't know but just in case someone wants to try it.
If anyone knows a good reason why this should not be done, JUST HUSH.. JK, let me know because so far it's solved a huge issue for me and I'm not even sure why.