That was a long time ago when OpenOffice buggy but now things are diffrent. Get it here it is composed of a set of deb files and a "desktop-integration" file which has a deb file itself. But you need to purge LibreOffice so that you can install it like this:
- Code:
sudo apt-get purge libreoffice*
and then right-click on the file and select "run in terminal" and excute this command:
- Code:
dpkg -i *.deb
it will install the office suite bu you have to install the desktop-integration deb so that you get the launchers and all

Try it for yourself
I have discussed this on the Mint forum as well here Cinnamon I don't think it is a disaster at all/.. Lots of developers hate it because they never used the latest versions of it or maybe because they hate gnome 3 all in all. But if you try Cinnamon 2.0 (which is a fork of gnome now) you see that all these claims are not based on any facts. It is fast and complete

it has more features than any other DE see for yourself here and Linux Mint are the best distributions and even the best OSes in the world, but i still think they can do much better

Zorin has to be more pragmatic when it comes to software. Be sure that most zorin users, the first thing they will do after installation is to install vlc
and BTW where is the computer icon on the desktop???
There are lots of great things about Zorin os 8. I really love the new splash screen and the new black theme amazing but i still insist that Zorin's splash should be like this Zorin 7 +8 splash screen have great colours but they are more like wallpapers (very static). Colour have a psychological effect on the users and the bootsplash if the first imression a user gets on the OS