Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:13:22 pm
OK, so the good news is Calculator that comes as default application works well with Orca screen reader, better than Galculator - but where Galculator scores highly is for someone who has poor vision rather than total vision loss - so would be good to have included that as well as the default one. The Gnome Project have either improved things or I missed something to get to Orca Preferences but only discovered it after searching recently that to get to the 'backend' of the Screenreader preferences you have to press 'Insert+ spacebar' once it is running by using 'Alt+ Super+ S' (Super = Meta = Windows key). Where Zorin 12 falls over as far as the screenreader is concerned is that it comes with Chromium as the default browser - it should be Firefox - just as JAWS cannot utilise Google Chrome, only Internet Explorer and Firefox. So for future releases I expect to see Firefox as the 'de facto' Browser. All the other items for Universal Access look the usual stuff (but not tested visual alerts - for hard of hearing, Sticky keys - like windows when you hold a key down too long, in GNU/Linux you have to enable it so holding a shift key for too long is not going to activate it - you have to select it, which is a good thing in my book. Slow keys is to enable people with poor motor skills enough time to make key combinations easier to use. Bounce keys - I was never to sure how that worked, but guess it prevents users who have difficulty taking their fingers off a key from repeating a letter unintentionally such aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas! - you get the drift! Mouse keys are used as alternatives to left and right-click if people have issues using a mouse. The one area that appears to be weak is the 'Zoom' function - but you have to remember that this is down to the poor implementation of the function by the Gnome Project's Accessibility Team - it is such a shame that Compiz cannot be added to Zorin 12 without having to install a third Desktop Environment to Zorin and Kodi.