Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:41:43 pm
The Monitors that just didn't want to be told which was primary, ever.
The USB 3 drive I had to buy an on/off switch for and split the cable because it couldn't be seen on a cold boot (but was fine on a system restart or any Windows os)
The NVidia tearing issue that ruined any and all videos unless I manually used the "metamodes force pipeline full" (or however it went) workaround at every boot.
A minute or more to boot
At least 30 seconds to shutdown.
Some wierd screwey Pulse issue I never did get fully resolved.
The regular system freezes/lockups that needed a reboot.
Overall though she served me well and taught me much, and then two weeks ago I learned that her little sister was released OS 12, so I logged in and scored a copy of Ultimate, backed up my home folder and some other stuff and took the plunge overwriting OS 9, I've been using her for about 2 weeks now and I have to say I'm smitten, though it wasn't all roses and long walks on the beach from the start by a long shot.
So here's my first impressions:-
The Good.
Etcher - wonderful, pretty much followed the instructions and it worked like a charm (much much easier than Unetbootin when I installed OS9)
Monitor positions - this alternates between 2 and 3 of them, under OS11 it was done by 2 different scripts, when I forgot them my primary monitor would always be the one I didn't want. Now I re-ordered their positions in settings, once for normal use and once for when I take a monitor away and use it for working and OS 12 not only remembers their positions over reboots she also adjusts and remembers how I want it depending on the situation 2 or 3 monitors, and she has no doubts which is the primary monitor either.
The elusive USB3 drive, this was a welcome suprise, I did a lot of research into this and saw lots of posts that strongly suggest it's related to a hard coded sleep function, basically the USB cable won't initialise unless replugged into a fully booted system, but not on OS 12, she picks it up on boot every time no problem.
The NVidia tearing issue - Actually fixed by NVidia in the 370 drivers and newer (gksu nvidia-settings look for advanced setting and the apply metamodes checkbox per desired monitor) sorted, no more ruined videos.
The new themes, love the dark green theme, it's not just the look, it's the feel, there's something sleek and sexy that OS9 was somehow missing.
Cairo Dock, love it, with reservations, see below.
Nemo file manager replaces the horribly castrated Nautilus (see below) this is amazaing even has a terminal built into the file manager (see WebUPD's full installation instructions)
Stability - overall she's fantastic, once she's up and past the login screen she's rock solid.
Way quicker at booting (20 secs ish) and at shutting down (10secs ish)
The new integration of installing downloaded packages through the GDebi (if I'm not mistaken) also directly integrated into the browser simplifies things a lot.
That weird assed Pulse issue is no more.
General App intergration like Firefox, Chromium, Thunderbird, Compiz, Skype, Kodi, Libre Office, the .pdf viewer etc all work flawlessly.
The Bad.
And oh this one is bad, the login prompt, login and your back to the login prompt, one way that got me through it was deleting the saved user dconf profile from terminal (ctrl-alt-f1) and restarting the lightdm service, this was great till it wasn't, but luckily I use Timeshift (highly recommended) for backups, but with both of these I lost my desktop profile, it's a minor hindrance and solved by manually adding "user\share\icons and user\share\themes to Timeshift's list of files to backup and I also take a full copy of \etc\*.* as well, since doing this I get everything back.
Linked to the above the issue actually looks to be related to Cairo dock, I haven't traced down exactly what yet but I'm suspecting themes at this point.
I did have one or two system freezes in the beginning but they seem to have gone now, they certainly aren't a cause for concern at this point.
Nautilus - Oh what did they do to Nautilus? there's not even any workable settings now, completely useless and completely discarded on this system.
The Fugly.
Sorry Docky you were amazing under OS9 but Cairo has definitely stolen your crown now, simply put it just doesn't work well with OS 12 (16.04)
I realise most of the above is Ubuntu 16.04 related but it does all directly relate to the Zorin OS 12 user experience and all in all the user experience (from my POV) is fantastic, I love it, combined with Timeshift to pull me back from the brink of disaster in under 7 minutes (and because of this unresolved Cairo Dock issue I have had to use it a good few times)
All in all I'm a VERY happy camper. so 9.5/10