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Zorin OS 12


Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:21:15 am

I am not happy with new theme similar to Windows 10! Bring back to classic theme!

star treker

Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:26:34 am

Yep, thats exactly how I felt too, when I switched to OS 12. I will be switching to Makulu Lindoz when Jacque puts out the full release. I am currently running on the 1.42 BETA version of his software, running in LIVE mode off of a USB stick. I suggest checking out the BETA and see how you like it. It allows you to choose the Windows theme version that you like best. You can do Windows Classic, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10. Its a very nice OS even in its BETA form.


Fri Jan 13, 2017 6:14:44 am



Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:31:30 pm

I beg to differ guys, what's not to like? :mrgreen: :-



Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:58:53 am

Loving that Wallpaper! :D

star treker

Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:24:15 am

I agree, that is a beautiful wallpaper. But I wouldn't want to live there, I'd turn into a popcycle real quick :D


Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:55:49 am

Swarfendor437 wrote:Loving that Wallpaper! :D

It's from Variety Wallpaper Changer Swarf, it's nicely configurable and has great sources plus you can add your own, just found it and I love it.

Plenty of Popsicle and non-Popsicle Wallpapers to Star :)


Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:13:09 am

Del369 wrote:
Swarfendor437 wrote:Loving that Wallpaper! :D

It's from Variety Wallpaper Changer Swarf, it's nicely configurable and has great sources plus you can add your own, just found it and I love it.

Plenty of Popsicle and non-Popsicle Wallpapers to Star :)

Hi, that wall[paper changer you found comes pre-packaged with Lindoz. ;)

star treker

Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:37:53 pm

Swarf is very correct, it is a built in feature. And its a feature added to increase the awesomeness of Lindoz. I have been running on the 1.42 BETA for over a week now in LIVE mode off of a USB stick, and guess what? The OS hasn't crashed once, imagine that? That means that both the OS and my Patriot memory are kicka** ;)


Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:01:03 am

Still running fine here, no crashes, one restore a few days ago but that was totally my fault, the USB3 drive won't boot on startup anymore but I think I've tracked that down to newer kernel updates , unfortunately I've deleted any earlier ones, but no crashes here for ages :ugeek: :mrgreen:


Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:36:33 am

Installed 32-bit to old rig - seems more stable than 64-bit! :D


Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:58:56 am

A theory Swarf, maybe the kernel updates have resolved a lot? I know the stability on mine has definitely come a long way since I installed it, you might want to try the 64bit again. and about Compiz I think I installed that straight after installation, and Cairo just watch the bells and whistles, leave it on standard for a while at least till your backup solution is up and running, also since I installed boot-repair I don't have login woes anymore, and I think that partly came down to Grub being deleted after kernel updates.


Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:40:54 pm

Del369 wrote:A theory Swarf, maybe the kernel updates have resolved a lot? I know the stability on mine has definitely come a long way since I installed it, you might want to try the 64bit again. and about Compiz I think I installed that straight after installation, and Cairo just watch the bells and whistles, leave it on standard for a while at least till your backup solution is up and running, also since I installed boot-repair I don't have login woes anymore, and I think that partly came down to Grub being deleted after kernel updates.

Spoke to soon! There was an issue with SuperTuxkart not loading with tearing graphics - installed nVidia drivers and the whole system went west. 2.21 Ghz AMD Processor (3500+) Single Core, 2 Gb RAM - Max board can take, with 128 Mb 6200 PCIe graphics card - updating 9 64-bit as I write this for recycling! :D


Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:45:52 pm

Uhhhhh "with 128 Mb 6200 PCIe graphics card" yea I can imagine that might be a tad problematic :mrgreen:


Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:40:09 pm

Del369 wrote:Uhhhhh "with 128 Mb 6200 PCIe graphics card" yea I can imagine that might be a tad problematic :mrgreen:

It was all that could be afforded at the time - 256 Mb PCIe was beyond financial reach as it was a complete system build for eldest at the time - I normally built rigs with 256 Mb nVidia cards - only the AGP ones were affordable - this is where the Zorin site goes wrong stating anything less than 2 Gb RAM will cause issues - well sorry guys - bloated OS's trying to keep up with other OS's to run on newer machines is the wrong approach - we should also be producing xfce as well as lxde based Zorins! :twisted:


Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:31:09 am

Swarfendor437 wrote:
Del369 wrote:Uhhhhh "with 128 Mb 6200 PCIe graphics card" yea I can imagine that might be a tad problematic :mrgreen:

It was all that could be afforded at the time - 256 Mb PCIe was beyond financial reach as it was a complete system build for eldest at the time - I normally built rigs with 256 Mb nVidia cards - only the AGP ones were affordable - this is where the Zorin site goes wrong stating anything less than 2 Gb RAM will cause issues - well sorry guys - bloated OS's trying to keep up with other OS's to run on newer machines is the wrong approach - we should also be producing xfce as well as lxde based Zorins! :twisted:

xfce lxde and Compiz version like it used to be... :D

Not running OS 12 ATM but I have installed it half a dozen or more times both VB and full hardware installs (64 bit only) and noticed it being a little buggy for a few days or so, till updates came through I guess!
I have also seen reviews on Youtube with same sorts of issues. Can only guess that if I reinstalled and updated straight away should likely run fine now.


Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:40:01 pm

Yes, we do need to give Team Zorin some greater credit than has been given - eject button for CD when selected from the panel, and also all the gnome extensions that resolve multi-monitor issues - and I only use 1! lol

star treker

Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:27:58 pm

I gave them 15 USD worth of credits, on top of positive things I said about it in a review later. But if in the end the OS failed me, its not because I didn't give them enough credit, its because they failed themselves. We all have to learn from our mistakes, and I had to learn many of mine, and I still learn to this day, as do we all. ;)


Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:13:47 pm

I have followed Star Treker's problems with Zorin 12 Ultimate. After using Zorin 5,6,9and 12, I can say that 12 was a disappointment. I've installed Nemo to fix desktop icons etc. Before rushing off to another distro, I am waiting for Zorin 12 Lite.
My little 11" notebook/laptop (Acer Aspire 1410, Dual 1.2GHz, RAM 2GB, HDD 160GB, Intel Graphics 4500MHD,etc) has been running until recently Zorin 9 Lite (LXDE 32bit). The OS is described as suitable for 'low spec' computers, and came with an assortment of rather junky software. I listed all the programs I used in 9-Ultimate, and installed them on the laptop. The only problem I had, if you can call it that, was a start menu too small to read easily. It was good on battery use, as I only used it while travelling. It was quick and adaptable, and in operation was almost like 9-Ultimate. Perhaps a 64bit version would help.
When the new 12 Lite arrives, I will check it out and if OK will probably install it on my desktop PC and laptop. In case it is not suitable, I am trying out Linux Lite, LinDoz 12 and "How to install the Lightweight LXDE Desktop on Ubuntu".
Regarding wallpaper, I have collected quite a few over the years that are stored in my Pictures files.
I don't think that the Zorin Team realised how good their Lite OS was. With a better Start Menu and more software, it could be more attractive to people like myself. Something to think about!

star treker

Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:10:14 am

I had no idea how much of a resource hog that Gnome Shell 3 was until I ran the OS for awhile and looked that the resource monitor, holy cow, 6GB of memory used while in full gaming. Now here's the thing, that is about 4GB of memory less usage then that of Windows 7, because when doing the same thing, Windows 7 used 10GB out of my 16GB. However, I had learned about Linux that it uses astronomically less memory then that of Windows, but they were not speaking of distro's using Gnome Shell. When I first started running Makulu Lindoz BETA 1.42, it was used 698MB of memory at first run. After having it running for about 2 weeks now with no restarts, its using 6.7GB while just surfing the web. Now, its important to note that Linux cashes a lot more into memory then Windows does I think, so the longer I run this OS with no restarts, the more memory will get used in time. However, for a BETA release, that really isn't so bad. How many people really run their computer for 2-weeks 24/7 with no restarts? And yet the OS is still rock stable as it was when I first booted it up on the USB stick.

Truth is, if you are running any OS on only 500MB to 2GB of memory, your OS is going to be hitting swap like gasoline being guzzled down by an old Z28 Camaro. Which is why I agree, if your computer is that old, you should really be running a super light version of Linux. But if you got the memory, time to go hardcore LOL! :D


Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:25:40 pm

Hello all. I am coming from long time Ubuntu and Mint use. I tried Zorin Core first and loved it. Bought the ultimate to get the extras and to support the project, Happily using it with no issues. :) I do believe I am done distro hopping.


Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:56:00 pm

I couldn't agree more, I'm still loving 12 :D

Not using Variety anymore as the Dev kinda killed it, Wallch is doing a great job as a wallpaper changer though, there is also a 1000 HD Pics zip file you can download, very nice indeed.


Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:16:48 pm

I'm using the Gnome Extension "Random Wallpaper":



Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:39:31 pm

Swarfendor437 wrote:I'm using the Gnome Extension "Random Wallpaper":


Very nice Swarf, so your back to 12.1?


Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:45:47 pm

Yes I installed it as soon as it was available! :D

Latest Random Wallpaper:



Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:12:04 pm

Swarfendor437 wrote:Yes I installed it as soon as it was available! :D

Latest Random Wallpaper:

The attachment LatestRandomWallpaper.jpg is no longer available

Aha I thought you'd had serious issues and run off to join the circus, glad that is not the case :mrgreen:



Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:10:30 pm

No, had a busy time at work before Easter so R&R on PS4 Blacklight Retribution! 8-)
