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Zorin OS 10 after January 2016.... ?


Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:09:49 pm

Zorin has done such a fantastic job of inviting me into the world of Linux. I now have probably 16 different versions of Linux installed on my systems, which is... Not bad (? :lol: ) for a person who once considered Linux annoying to deal with. Now I think that perhaps I feel quite the opposite. And I have Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 installed on machines. I was also a tester for Windows 10 (codename: Windows Shopping Cart?).
So along comes Zorin 10. I am back on your page checking out the progress of Zorin stil with 2 machines utilizing the same. It still seems like one of the better systems, and not specifically for the Windows-like interface options.
Zorin OS 10 says security support to January 2016 which begs the question: What could be coming in the year 2016? Since it is around Christmas time I am looking like a kid under the Christmas tree.
Thank you, and much congratulations for what I consider very important contributions to the software world, along with that of your other Linux counterparts. Computers are once again fun, and I feel a whole lot less cynical about the future of software in general.
Happy Computering in the New Year!


Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:57:52 am

HI Dan,
Been wondering the same thing myself. I have Zorin OS 9 Ultimate and 10 Ultimate on 2 different machines, the one with 9 has been rock solid reliable for over 12 months now and I installed Zorin OS 10 to another machine sort of just for fun while I waited for the new Long Term Support version of Zorin OS 11???.

I also did the "insider" thing for that other company, however as I purchased a second hand PC ($90AU) from a Sunday market and it had legit copy of Windows 7 Pro (I have never paid M$ for an OS, and proud of it), I have now taken the 'free upgrade to windows 10' and its not too bad (can't believe I said that). But funny to see how they have started to use and implement things from the Linux world! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I had been waiting for the new LTS version of Zorin for a while but didn't realise Version 10 / January expiration was so near as I purchased the Ultimate version of Zorin 10 in about August or September thinking the "9 months" would be about April 2016.
Now I am all excited also as it is very near indeed.

I have also tried many Distro's and had multiply versions installed at the same time, but I still come back to Zorin OS and not for the Win 7 'look', not really sure what it is, Compiz effects, the beautiful look and feel of it, stability, eye candy etc.
Zorin OS has put the "FUN" back into the most useful machine in the house for me also...As it is now after Xmas and there wasn't anything under the tree............Bring on 2016!



Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:36:05 am

As with most forks of Ubuntu, whether short or LTS, it usually takes a couple of months or more to get a derivative out. I suspect Zorin 11 shoould be based on 16.04 (Ubuntu) which means probably a summer time release next year - in much the same way Zorin 9 was (based on 14.04. ;) :D


Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:43:29 pm

I am a newbie with Ubuntu and have Zorin Linux. My wife ruined the hard drive on her laptop and gave it to me. I crammed a 1 terabyte hard drive into it and installed Zorin 09. It has 2 partitions. How can I put Zorin 10 into the other partition, or is that possible?


Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:58:18 pm

So if I feel like being stealthy perhaps I should be concurrently investigating the progress of Ubuntu, and perhaps that is where I shall go. It is interesting to think that the design and progress of one OS is related to the tweaks made on another OS. I suppose that should have been obvious in this case.
Thanks for the insight.


Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:02:35 pm

midnightoils wrote:I am a newbie with Ubuntu and have Zorin Linux. My wife ruined the hard drive on her laptop and gave it to me. I crammed a 1 terabyte hard drive into it and installed Zorin 09. It has 2 partitions. How can I put Zorin 10 into the other partition, or is that possible?

Hi, Please could you start a new thread in the Installation section please? Thanks. ;) :D


Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:03:12 pm

abracadabbra-zorin wrote:So if I feel like being stealthy perhaps I should be concurrently investigating the progress of Ubuntu, and perhaps that is where I shall go. It is interesting to think that the design and progress of one OS is related to the tweaks made on another OS. I suppose that should have been obvious in this case.
Thanks for the insight.

Well the problem with Ubuntu is 'amazon' lenses - and you thought M$ was full of spyware! ;) :lol:


Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:51:31 am

Well it is still January 2016 and the Beta of Zorin OS 11 is out, I have installed and testing as we speak.
Noticed some 'theme' issues in the look changer that I have not had in OS 10 but I'll wait for the final release still.
Doesn't look that much different than OS 10 to me thus far.
I suspect that the major changes will come later in OS 12 LTS, well that is my guess.

Anyone else tried OS 11 out? Thoughts?


Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:48:07 pm

I am waiting for 12 as 11 is another short-term release - ends July this year. - it is based on Ubuntu 15.10. ;) :D