star treker wrote:In my experience with Zorin for over 2 months now, since Zorin is based off of the Ubuntu system, any software written for Ubuntu will generally work with Zorin. For example, I used the Synaptic Package Manager to download and install K3B which is a disk burning software, and Hard Info, which is a system information tool, and both work perfectly. Now keep in mind that in the new OS 12, Synaptic Package Manager doesn't come installed so you have to install that from the software center, just put the word Synaptic in the search box and it will find it.
In my experience, Synaptic actually has access to more software, and I think it does a better job of installing the software. I say this because some software has special prerequisites, and Synaptic knows of this and makes sure they get installed. I made the mistake of installing Hard Info using the software center the first time and it didn't install the prerequisites, which caused the app to malfunction. When I installed via Synaptic, everything went fine. Swarf is a very knowledgeable linux dude, so he can help address any issues you run into.
Hi, if you want to find out additional info about your system there is also 'Details' in Settings. Also look for 'Disks' which gives a wealth of info on your Hard Drive/s. As for installing packages other than from the repository via Synaptic you would do well to install Gdebi Package Manager. Just open a terminal (Ctrl+ Alt+T) and enter:
- Code:
sudo apt install gdebi
Launch Gdebi and File | Open and browse or right-click the .deb package and from the options select 'Open with... Gdebi'. The great thing about Gdebi is it will report back instantly if dependencies are missing and will tell you what libraries are missing.