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What is the Difference?


Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:59:28 pm

Hi all,

I'm a newbie and trying to make a decision of which OS to roll with. I've been a Windows user for some time (and I hate it). Frequent updates and reinstallation of software that I intentionally uninstalled, unable to disable the Windows Updates from intruding on my life, even after I've uninstalled it, stopped the service, set my WiFi to metered, and a whole host of other things I've attempted to do to prevent it from happening. I've had so many issues with it, and their very questionable privacy policies, OMG. I'm so ready to be done with Windows. I used Fedora Core 3.0 (years ago) and fell in love with it, but back then I'd not yet hit my breaking point with Windows.

So here I am, years later, and I keep seeing 3 Linux Distros pop up:

- Arch Linux
- Linux Mint
- Zorin OS

From a more aesthetic perspective, Zorin looks sexy AF! I'm mostly leaning towards Zorin, and I do have 2 questions...

1. What is the difference between Zorin 12.4 Business and Zorin 12.3 Ultimate? I skimmed the website, but didn't really see where there's a difference (aside from the price). Can anyone shed some light on this, please?

2. How does Zorin OS handle the privacy of it's End Users? Is anonymous data constantly being sent to 3rd parties, and if so, is there a way to restrict such activity?

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from this community.

Best Regards,


Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:59:22 pm


Afraid I don't know much about what is included in the Business Editions but expect similar to Ultimate which has also got some business Applications like GNU-Cash, and VYM (View Your Mind - Mind Mapping Tool). To see what Business Apps are available, download LM19 xfce edition, boot in live mode and run synaptic and search for 'business' and you will get all the Business apps available populating Synaptic Package Manager - sadly, Zorin failed to include Synaptic as standard in 12.3 - 12.4 is just in the process of being released so you might want to take a look at that as well. I'm not sure if Arch is any easier to migrate to as it used to include a lot of configuration to work properly. Please take the time to look at the unofficial manual of Zorin 12.2 Core I put together to see if it helps you make the decision easier for you:


You can even view the pdf online without downloading it if you wish - the contents are fully hyperlinked. ;) :D

As to privacy, the only item you may need to get rid of is 'Zeitgeist' and Wolfman posted on how to get rid of this elsewhere on the forum.
"Take out "Zeitgeist":

Zeitgeist is a form of spyware that logs user activity, if you want to stop/start it, open "Desktop Session Settings" (Start Menu > Preferences > Desktop Session Settings) and take out the tick in the box, the next time you start, Zeitgeist should not be active!!. You can of course, use this tool to stop/start other functions!!. (Be careful what you do though!!) YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE ZEITGEIST INSTALLED UNLESS YOU INSTALLED THE MAIN "GNOME" PACKAGE!."



Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:44:58 pm

I thank you for the response. I've just run Zorin OS for the first time (by way of a bootable USB into a Live Environment), and it seems pretty cool, overall. There's a bit of a response time delay, when first opening applications, but they seem to open much faster with subsequent opens. Aside from that, everything seems great so far. I did have that Zeitgeist software installed, though I'm not sure why it's there to begin with, but removing it was pretty straight forward. I do want to play around with Zorin for a bit longer, to see if I still enjoy it as much as I currently do. I tried Wine but couldn't install something I really wanted to install, so I'll keep at it with that, and hopefully I will figure it out. All in all, it's not bad, and I could certainly see myself getting used to using it, regularly. But there are some things I'd need to sort out, first. Again, thanks for your help.


Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:31:05 pm

Hello, Wellcome, I think If you are about to give the first steps you can start with Zorin or even with Linux Mint, most distros are easy to get used to. Zorin resembles in appearence to Windows 10 , and LM to Windows XP (but you can change themes / skins)

You have to be patience at first, I have been a linux user for 2 years now, and many time I wroke my system for trying or experimenting, but this is something new , so it is like learning how to ride a bike, I also get tired of Windows , and hated W10, the most amazing thing we have is the chance to run USB live or LiveCD, and you can also have separate partitions to save your data.

First thing you need to learn is that there isn't C. , or D, or E here, just mounting moints . For example "/" is like the clasic "C" .

For example nowdays I have a separate partition with all my files, you can mount it in /home or even in /media/"username", which is better , since in / home there are hidden files related to the system.

I have Linux Mint Mate in my notebook and Zorin lite 12.3 in my Desktop (10 years old) , if you like you can provide more details of your computer basic details , such as memory and processor, so more experienced users can tell you better.

There is a command to run in "Terminal" (which is like CMD in windows) to provide this info , you can tipe this: "inxi" (without commas). Then copy and paste in your reply.

Regarding Wine, Latest Wine versions are optimized , are easy going but sometimes if you like to play a game "Playonlinux" is better. Don't be affraid to ask. There is also an Unofficial Manual for Zorin Core, but most of it applies or is quite similar in Zorin Lite.


Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:03:57 pm


stay away from Arch if you are a novice as it is too complicated for starters.

joining the words of wisdom of swarfendorf437 and the words of the heart from pcfan5

just in the event you are old skool and learnt to juggle in ms-dos you will find similar fun in Terminal :)
