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Wed May 08, 2019 8:42:05 am
I have a simple question
If I were to buy the Zorin 12.4 Ultimate edition, would be purchase then carry over to when Zorin 15 is released, or Do I have to buy Zorin again to get Zorin 15?
Wed May 08, 2019 11:56:22 am
Mon Jul 01, 2019 6:47:39 am
I must admit...
I have noticed that a lot of people have been asking this question.I am beginning to wonder if a sticky should be made.
I can certainly understand if someone bought 12.4 Ultimate a week before 15 was released. Or if they bought 12.4 AFTER 15 was fully released. But where do you draw the line?
See, Zorin 15 offers more than 12.4 does. And you can 'upgrade' to Zorin OS 15 for Free by choosing the Core edition.
But just because a person made a purchase in the past doesn't mean that they are entitled to free future products. You cannot buy a car and when the latest model comes out, get it for free because you already bought the 2012 model. If car makers allowed that, they would quickly go out of business and then no one would be able to access those cars.
You cannot order an Extra Large pizza tonight and get it for free because you bought the Large pizza last night.
In fact, I cannot think of anything that you can get for free, just because the latest model was released. Maybe others can come up with a few examples,but I am sure they would be few and always have a catch.
With Zorin OS, the only catch is that you absolutely can get Zorin OS 15 for free as the Core edition (and later, the Lite edition). Buying Zorin OS is not like buying a stereo where you are saying "Here is my money, give me your product." It's more like, "Here, please take this as a Thank You for years of dedication and supplying a FREE OS to so many people over a decade."
I mean, MILLIONS of people have benefited from Zorin OS, the work the developers put in - For Free. All the devs asked was that the Ultimate Edition carries a donation to fund the future.
Buying Ultimate is like saying, "I want to see Zorin OS 18."
The benefit to the Core is you are not jumping in with money out of pocket. You can try it out. See if Zorin 15 is right for you.
There is no MicrosoftOS Ultimate for $39.95 and Microsoft supplies the vast majority of users OS's for free. Microsoft does not give their product for free.
Perhaps people migrating from Microsoft are used to Microsoft and forget, this is Linux.
The Zorins are Two People. They were kids- Teens... that got an idea for how they thought an operating system should be.
Now they are a decade older, but there are still only Two of them. Unlike the MS corporation that employs tens of thousands of people, they are Two Guys.
One last thought: I have often wondered about whether I could donate to the Zorin Team, but I do not want the Ultimate Zorin Editions. I also cannot swing $50 right now. I was thinking; If they had something like a patreon where I could throw 'em $15 bucks, that would help. And the more of us who chip in, even at less than the Ultimates selling price- the more the Ultimates selling price could come down. The easier it would be for the Zorins to help out folks that caught the Zorin purchase at an inopportune moment.
/end rant
Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:09:32 pm
Great Post.