Sun Dec 01, 2019 8:28:59 am
I've been using Linux at work for servers for years. Finally started looking for an os to use at home and for a project for the Cub Scout group I help run.
Looked around loads of different os's but my two main requirements were to be able to run scratch and use a controller software called Veyon.
That's when I can across your education edition. This did everything I need to start to teach the Cubs programming, etc.
I was so pleased that I bought the Eltimate edition to say a really big thank you for doing the hard work for me.
This means I can concentrate on setting up the learning and less time on maintaining the os.
I just need a few old laptops and I'm on my way.
Once again, many thanks.
Looked around loads of different os's but my two main requirements were to be able to run scratch and use a controller software called Veyon.
That's when I can across your education edition. This did everything I need to start to teach the Cubs programming, etc.
I was so pleased that I bought the Eltimate edition to say a really big thank you for doing the hard work for me.
This means I can concentrate on setting up the learning and less time on maintaining the os.
I just need a few old laptops and I'm on my way.
Once again, many thanks.