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Zorin RC 6.0


Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:27:07 am

Hi, I am new to Zorin myself so I am asking this question? I see people complaining about Zorin RC 6. I believe RC stands for something like Release Candidate. I think that means that it is put out there for people to look at and find bugs, it is not a stable release for general use. Am I right? I downloaded it and burnt it myself, also ran it as a live DVD. I didn't see enough difference to switch from Core 5.2 and put up with the bugs. I do believe eventually it will be released as a regular release when the bugs are fixed and it is stable. I had downloaded and installed 5.2 before I realized that there was a 3.2 stable release with long term support on the download page too. If I had not already had 5.2 installed I would have probably went with that. Please let me and other newbies know if this is the case. I think it could save many headaches. I know some people want the cutting edge stuff, and don't mind the bugs, but myself I want the more stable long term release. Any Linux veterans have an opinion here? I would like to hear from you.


Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:20:31 am

Hi and thanks for the feedback,

I tink it is simply a case of terminology, some call it a "Release candidate" and some call it an Alpha/Beta and so on, the important word people need to look for is "Final", this will tell the person that the OS is indeed finished and ready for everyday useage on a PC!!.

Some people like to use the Alpha's and Beta's so they will get a good idea of whether or not they wish to employ the OS in the future, and some just like tinkering!!.

Regards Wolfman :D


Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:22:36 am

Hi Swarf,

PinguyOS latest system is called PinguyOS 12.04 Beta, he didn't even bother with an Alpha!!. Like you say, it depends on the dev!.

Regards Wolfman :D


Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:51:14 am

Problem Solved. Thanks guys. I think I now have a better understanding of what to look for when downloading an OS. I didn't know different developers used different terminology. I want the stable releases when I install an OS, and knowing this stuff will help. I had never heard of the Alpha/beta stuff, but will now watch for that too. Final releases for me. Thanks again.