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Suspicious about what they're doing with GIMP


Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:52:39 am

I attempted to install GIMP through Lubuntu Software Center (I wasn't aware it comes bundled with GDebi and LSC-- smart) and it loaded 2.6 instead of 2.8. As we know, I am no fan of the new Ubuntu Software Center (really the new Debian Software Center).

So I added the gimp repository from Ubuntu, and it downloaded ... 2.6.

Turns out that 2.8 was available, however... through USC.

Turns out I had to add a repo from the guy who did this page: ... ecise.html

Am I being paranoid or is this perhaps a way to force people to use USC as opposed to LSC or a terminal? Did I type something wrong?


Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:58:27 am

It depends on the ubuntu and lubuntu release. I suppose ubuntu 12.10 has more updated USC than ubuntu 12.04. Libre office is another example. In 12.04 you get Libre office 3.5.x.x while in 12.10 you get libre office 3.6.x.x.


Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:47:40 pm

swarfendor437 wrote:I got LibreOffice 3.6 through Update Manager - will double-check, but currently updating Trisquel. You could have always gone to the official GIMP website and downloaded the .deb package and installed with gdebi package installer! :D

They have a .deb on the official website? Excellent. Thank you! I hate installing things from source (my success rate is about 10%, having tried about 10 times in my life to do so.)


Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:58:34 am

The best and easiest way to install Gimp is by using the official ppa. This way you will always be up to date with the latest Gimp version.
Two simple commands in terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gimp


Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:47:30 am

madvinegar wrote:The best and easiest way to install Gimp is by using the official ppa. This way you will always be up to date with the latest Gimp version.

I had a time of that tonight. My last install of Gimp 2.8.2 on Zorin Lite created a bunch of errors. (Unless you really love Photoshop, just say no. There are real advantages, PSD files and single screen, but wow.) So, being the quality technician I am, I tested to see if the computer went on and off and it did even though there was a big red button on the top right, so I was happy.

As I couldn't leave my wife with a broken computer forever (that and it caused the L-Software Center to crash, because I had a bunch of broken packages, which she sort of noticed when she tried to download something off it) I purged and redid everything.

I had no idea that the uncheck in software-sources in fact supersedes the add ppa: command. But I learned that today! After sudo apt-get upgrading, rechecking the source in software sources and running the commands, it worked like a charm.

Something tells me Zorin Lite from 12.10 will be easier to implement.

[Quote edited by swarfendor437 - as it was madvinegar not me!]