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I am on my way.


Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:44:04 am

Finally a linux and can start to live with. Finally netflix works :). I replace my media pc with Zorin, and my aging window laptop has new life!!! I've tried several distros, and so far this is my favorite.

The only bad thing is I still have 2 pc's with windows. I have laser cutter engraver for my office that still requires windows :(, I can get along with gimp, and open shot is ok, but I still have yet to find a replacement for adobe after effects. Maybe I'll see if wine or codeweavers can help there. I purchased code weavers a year ago, and the account still works.

Anyways I just wanted to say I'm half way transitioned. Wish me luck!


Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:48:43 am

Hi hobbyhands and welcome - there used to be Cinefx as an Adobe After Effects alternative - now abandoned - on Ubuntu forums I found this link (and it ain't free as in 'no-cost'): ... uirements/

You may also want to take a look at KDEnlive (has been referred to the GNU/Linux equivalent of Sony Vegas?) or Cinellera and Blender.