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Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:54:03 pm

Where can i find the snake skin wallpaper for Zorin 6.4 have gone back to using LTS and i like it on the later versions
Thanks also Adblocker plus ABP works no trouble on 6.4 but i could not get it to work with Zorin 8 , also has any one used Ghostery on Fire fox and if so any trouble with it


Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:59:48 pm

Do you mean this wallpaper?:


Haven't tried ghostery yet - still on RC of 8 will let you know when I finally get alpha installed.


Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:10:05 pm

No not that one the one that has the scales all over i once saw a black thyme and it looked really nice
But thanks for reply


Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:50:32 pm

Oh I know the one you mean, Gizmuntu had it as his wall! :D

Here you go: ... ound10975#