Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:45:18 pm
Zorin has cost me money but who cares? 
Let me explain:
I was looking for a Windows alternative and in the past I've tried a couple of Linux distros but always hit a wall and gone back. This time I'm determined to stick it out but I needed something that my wife and FIL can use easily and research on the net led me to Zorin.
After a 4 hour download (our broadband isn't that broad) I installed Zorin OS on our old Dell Dimension. Everything worked! except the Go-flex NAS drive but everything else including a wireless HP Photosmart that I'd given up with under XP and plugged in via USB when I needed it. Wife and FIL were set up as users, signed into Chrome and were happy bunnies and I set about getting whatever software I thought I needed. First thing to do was get the NAS drive working which I managed to set up as CIF shares (Terminal was a scary place after a couple of years
Then my new dashcam arrived and things started to go wrong, play the file in Video Player and I had great video and no sound, VLC, which I use on my phone and windows laptop, gave me great sound but choppy video. Turns out the old girl just couldn't really handle HD 1080P video. Now had I still been on XP, and not so stubborn, it would probably have ended there and I just wouldn't have bothered, after all I could watch the vid on my laptop, but the upshot is the Dell went to the dump today and a new box will be delivered on Tuesday next week.
The new box is 64 bit so I thought I'd download the Zoirin 64 bit version ready, nearly twice the size of the original I was looking at a 9 or 10 hour download which was corrupted! Being a glutton for punishment I downloaded it again with the same result! Luckily I've got tethering on my mobile account so one Android wifi hotspot later I downloaded in about 30 mins.
Now I'm off to have a play with Zorin on the laptop.

Let me explain:
I was looking for a Windows alternative and in the past I've tried a couple of Linux distros but always hit a wall and gone back. This time I'm determined to stick it out but I needed something that my wife and FIL can use easily and research on the net led me to Zorin.
After a 4 hour download (our broadband isn't that broad) I installed Zorin OS on our old Dell Dimension. Everything worked! except the Go-flex NAS drive but everything else including a wireless HP Photosmart that I'd given up with under XP and plugged in via USB when I needed it. Wife and FIL were set up as users, signed into Chrome and were happy bunnies and I set about getting whatever software I thought I needed. First thing to do was get the NAS drive working which I managed to set up as CIF shares (Terminal was a scary place after a couple of years

Then my new dashcam arrived and things started to go wrong, play the file in Video Player and I had great video and no sound, VLC, which I use on my phone and windows laptop, gave me great sound but choppy video. Turns out the old girl just couldn't really handle HD 1080P video. Now had I still been on XP, and not so stubborn, it would probably have ended there and I just wouldn't have bothered, after all I could watch the vid on my laptop, but the upshot is the Dell went to the dump today and a new box will be delivered on Tuesday next week.
The new box is 64 bit so I thought I'd download the Zoirin 64 bit version ready, nearly twice the size of the original I was looking at a 9 or 10 hour download which was corrupted! Being a glutton for punishment I downloaded it again with the same result! Luckily I've got tethering on my mobile account so one Android wifi hotspot later I downloaded in about 30 mins.
Now I'm off to have a play with Zorin on the laptop.