Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:27:30 am
New to the forum, newish to Zorin, a few years into playing with Linux, and basically here to say hi!
So... hi!
I've been playing with Zorin OS 9 for a few months now, and have been impressed with it enough to make it one of my primary desktops. I am a user of all things--Windows (XP and 7), Mac (my primary go-to since 1999), and now Zorin (tried Ubuntu, Mint, Pinguy, Solydx--never liked Ubuntu's display, Mint felt over rated and hated my video card for some reason, and Pinguy and Solydx are lagging in development due to other commitments of their creators). I guess I settled on Zorin party for visual appeal, and because unlike Mint and Ubuntu, I never had to force it to recognize my graphics card (oh, and ETS 2 didn't need a bunch of config editing for its script to prevent the black screen of failure).
Anyways, here's my desktop--as one can see, even got some Conky scripting in there.
So... hi!
I've been playing with Zorin OS 9 for a few months now, and have been impressed with it enough to make it one of my primary desktops. I am a user of all things--Windows (XP and 7), Mac (my primary go-to since 1999), and now Zorin (tried Ubuntu, Mint, Pinguy, Solydx--never liked Ubuntu's display, Mint felt over rated and hated my video card for some reason, and Pinguy and Solydx are lagging in development due to other commitments of their creators). I guess I settled on Zorin party for visual appeal, and because unlike Mint and Ubuntu, I never had to force it to recognize my graphics card (oh, and ETS 2 didn't need a bunch of config editing for its script to prevent the black screen of failure).
Anyways, here's my desktop--as one can see, even got some Conky scripting in there.