Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:50:24 pm
As of perhaps 2014, to present I am at a loss to see much of any activity regarding where Zorin is headed.
IMHO Zorin is of many of the distros I have tried, OOB Experience simply the best.
It is destined to a great future. Really about the only item I see that needs any kind of change would be to add in a GadMin Samba type utility that
helps to resolve and make Zorin 100 percent friendly with Windows networking, and also to create a better Credentials manager that does not beg or constantly ask for usernames and passwords. Those are what ALL distros are currently still lacking. They can be made to be polished up to the point of user freindly however.
I also see that AWN while so great, still needs help in aiding the user in getting Apps to stick to the toolbar, and be 100 percent easy to use.
I know having all this customization is really great but getting it all to just work OOB flawlessly will be the key in making Zorin the ultimate distro to want for the NOOB who just wants to install it, and use it. Not be dragged down to a terminal sudo anything. I am not against security but the NOOB who is looking for a better than windows experience wants one that everything is easy to get to, uncluttered, and yet still has tons of what I call eye candy, as in Compiz effects, and wizards that aid in setting things up.
Zorin however is as close to what Q public wants over any other distro INCLUDING Ubuntu itself. It already surpasses it in form and functionality by leaps and bounds.
Anyhow I am not being critical, but instead positive. I just hate to see something this good, end up shelved, and not further develpped.
Is there a site, where the end user can look to see progress? I am not wanting to know details, but just a simple trail to say, that it is being developed and not abandoned in its potential.
Its like at 99.9 percent perfect but needs that .1 percent. And frankly can grow to become better and better.
Among the small stuff I would like to see, more in the way of things like Sound Schemes, and Screen Savers, and Rotating wallpaper and
wallpaper collector.
Yeah I know all of that is out there in 3rd party form, but I want to see it all get into the family and marry itself into the distro instead.
A startup manager that lets you easily add and remove widgets and gadgets would be nice. One that integrates into the menus.
And to Consolidate all of the system settings into 1 sub menu rather than many. Get them all into 1 place, rather than having to search out stuff.
I guess that is where you develop your own programs to replace the ones that are currently 3rd party, to make them seamlessly become a part
of the Zorin experience. I feel it is the small stuff that is going to make this the ultimate distro, and not larger things.
But thus far, I can only say that if ANYONE asks me what is the best Linux for the everyday user, then this is it.
Nothing is better, yeah maybe different, but none I can find has polished the ease in which the setup and use factor grabs you.
Just being able to do everything right with so little fuss is a major step to becoming the very best.
IMHO Zorin is of many of the distros I have tried, OOB Experience simply the best.
It is destined to a great future. Really about the only item I see that needs any kind of change would be to add in a GadMin Samba type utility that
helps to resolve and make Zorin 100 percent friendly with Windows networking, and also to create a better Credentials manager that does not beg or constantly ask for usernames and passwords. Those are what ALL distros are currently still lacking. They can be made to be polished up to the point of user freindly however.
I also see that AWN while so great, still needs help in aiding the user in getting Apps to stick to the toolbar, and be 100 percent easy to use.
I know having all this customization is really great but getting it all to just work OOB flawlessly will be the key in making Zorin the ultimate distro to want for the NOOB who just wants to install it, and use it. Not be dragged down to a terminal sudo anything. I am not against security but the NOOB who is looking for a better than windows experience wants one that everything is easy to get to, uncluttered, and yet still has tons of what I call eye candy, as in Compiz effects, and wizards that aid in setting things up.
Zorin however is as close to what Q public wants over any other distro INCLUDING Ubuntu itself. It already surpasses it in form and functionality by leaps and bounds.
Anyhow I am not being critical, but instead positive. I just hate to see something this good, end up shelved, and not further develpped.
Is there a site, where the end user can look to see progress? I am not wanting to know details, but just a simple trail to say, that it is being developed and not abandoned in its potential.
Its like at 99.9 percent perfect but needs that .1 percent. And frankly can grow to become better and better.
Among the small stuff I would like to see, more in the way of things like Sound Schemes, and Screen Savers, and Rotating wallpaper and
wallpaper collector.
Yeah I know all of that is out there in 3rd party form, but I want to see it all get into the family and marry itself into the distro instead.
A startup manager that lets you easily add and remove widgets and gadgets would be nice. One that integrates into the menus.
And to Consolidate all of the system settings into 1 sub menu rather than many. Get them all into 1 place, rather than having to search out stuff.
I guess that is where you develop your own programs to replace the ones that are currently 3rd party, to make them seamlessly become a part
of the Zorin experience. I feel it is the small stuff that is going to make this the ultimate distro, and not larger things.
But thus far, I can only say that if ANYONE asks me what is the best Linux for the everyday user, then this is it.
Nothing is better, yeah maybe different, but none I can find has polished the ease in which the setup and use factor grabs you.
Just being able to do everything right with so little fuss is a major step to becoming the very best.