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Installing Vivaldi on Zorin 12!


Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:57:08 am

Needing a web browser that you can really surf the web with? Give Vivaldi a whirl!

Here's how!

1. Open Terminal or just do Ctrl+Alt+T to get there in a jiffy.

Punch in the following code into it to download and install everything required for this browser to function.
echo "echo deb stable main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi.list" | sudo sh
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1397BC53640DB551
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vivaldi-stable

2. Search for "Vivaldi" within your OS to bring it up. You can do this by clicking the Zorin's Logo at your far bottom left of your screen.
3. It should be the TOP option on the "list". Click that and you should be able to follow the onscreen for basic configuration.
4. You can configure it in details by clicking the gear's icon on your bottom left of your screen. Just above your Hide Panel icon.
5. To set as your default tell it do it within the Settings window. For your convenice it will be on that very page which is under Start Up.
6. To set it as your favorite on the OS as well right click the application's icon in the tray and click Add to Favorites.
7. Enjoy the browser that you'll probably never replace!

Please do let me know what you think of my setup instructions and your thoughts regarding this browser that I found on the net. :)