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My Computer Sucks Happy Thanksgiving To Me :(

star treker

Thu Nov 28, 2019 3:38:55 pm

What a wonderful way to start off my morning. Wake up, turn on TV, restart computer, oh no using the computer for me, no sir! Room is 58 degrees, got to turn on the heat, could the notebook be too cold? Computer boots up, reaches the log in screen. Enter credentials, should load HDMI source to TV once logged in, but does it? NO! Incase folks are wondering, I have my OS to disable the notebook screen, and send source to the HDMI screen upon boot into the OS. Also incase people are wondering, when I turn my TV off for the night, the notebook looses signal to the screen and freakes out.

Which means when I wake up and turn my TV on. I am forced to CTRL ALT F1 to enter the permenant terminal mode. Then I have to CTRL ALT DEL, to restart the computer. This forces the notebook to pickup the TV signal again. Now whats interesting here is that the notebook is clearly sending a signal to the TV, because the notebook takes the TV out of the NO SIGNAL deal. And I can see the login screen on the notebook display only as normal. But after I input my credentials and log in, the notebook display is disabled as normal, but the HDMI source does not go onto the TV.

Also another thing I noticed, I am pretty sure that I am entering the OS. Becuse my keyboard illumination settings only activate when the CKB-NEXT daemon has been loaded. So the keyboard updating is proof I am entering the OS. Again, it might be cause the notebook is still too cold, I really don't have a clue. So I am typing this out on my tablet right now since my computer is out of commission.

When I do hit CTRL ALT F1 to go into the terminal mode, it is showing Intel underrun PCH FIFA whatever the fooka errors. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. Its a very perplexing issue and I am very annoyed right now. Happy thanksgiving to me. NOT


Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:51:19 pm

star treker wrote:When I do hit CTRL ALT F1 to go into the terminal mode, it is showing Intel underrun PCH FIFA whatever the fooka errors.

This means that operations are being run before what it depends on has been launched.
If you Unplug your HDMI cable, does the pc automatically activate display on your notebook after boot up allowing you to see your screen on the notebook?

star treker

Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:56:22 pm

OK guys, I have an update real quick...

If I unplug the HDMI source, then boot the computer up, I am able to login and the OS will load up, and display on my notebook screen. Now keep in mind that sometime back I set my OS to disable the notebook screen and only output to the HDMI source when the HDMI was plugged in. So naturally when I plugged the HDMI cable in, the notebook screen got disabled.

But what should happen after that, is that the notebook should just simply display through the HDMI as it always has been doing. But the problem is it refuses to do so. But at least now we know that I am able to boot into the OS and see my desktop on the notebook screen itself when the HDMI is unplugged.

star treker

Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:17:45 pm

Well, you won't believe this, I don't even believe this, but its true. So I went through all that work booting my computer a million times, unplugging/replugging a bunch of times. Checking settings a bunch of times, even went through a few in Dconf editor. Turning my TV on/off as well, none of it worked.  I even tried temporarily going back a kernel version, no avail. Checked video driver, still using the 418 version, clearly it did not get updated.

So that couldn't be it. I ran a system wide update for everything else, did not fix. I booted into recovery mode, ran a broken package fix incase there were any, that did not fix issue. I was about ready to give up. I plugged my tablet HDMI into my switch box and changed modes. This was the moment when I started suspecting the TV. I was getting the same blank screen, even though TV was picking up a signal from my tablet. I was like, no way is this going to happen on two devices now, what gives? So thats when I turned on my blueray player, which is plugged into a completely different input on tv.

Guess what? TV receiving a signal, but blank screen, can't see the blueray home menu. Then it was confirmed, it was my TV. So I went on my tablet and searched how to fix this. If any of you run into this issue, and you have a TCL SMART TV, and its not displaying input sources. Go to the home screen on your TV. Now press the HOME button on your remote 5-times. Then press the UP arrow button once. Then press the REWIND button twice, then the FORWARD button twice. 

If done correctly, it will put your TV into a reset mode, which will take about a minute to complete. It will look like your TV is just doing nothing, but just be patient as it does its thing. Your TV will eventually restart, and go through a longer startup process because its resetting. Apparently this process can also be initiated by unplugging the TV, and plugging it in again. But simply turning your TV on/off does not reset it so ya.

This process is considered a soft reset. Meaning it doesn't wipe out all your settings, it just resets the TV into a full reboot which takes longer then normally just turning the TV on. There is also a factory reset option, which is a full hard reset, if you use that, that will wipe out everything to the point when you first turned the TV on, don't use that setting unless absolutely necessary! 

So my TV can view from input sources once again woohoo! I am happy again, my life can move on, and I can enjoy thanksgiving now. Hope your all having a wonderful thanksgiving.  :)