Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:20:13 am
And 3.28 brought about the removal of desktop icons.
Well, then. As it is, I see many complaints when status icons don't work properly. I cannot imagine the complaints we may see if they are altogether removed. People clearly want and use this feature.
Gnome states that status icons predate Gnome 2.0 and being so old, they should go.
So do monitors, Morons. We aren't doing away with those, now are we? In fact, humans predate Gnome 2.0
We should do away with the aged things.
UNIX Predates Gnome. Kill it with fire.
But whatever. I imagine the end users, you know... the ones that make the money flow... The ones Gnome relies on to continue existing in order to outdate Gnome 3....
Anyway, fine.
Following a LONG list of many features Gnome removes saying it doesn't align with their goals (Screw the users goals). They already turnedNautilus into a skeleton of what it used to be and is by far, the WORST most unuser friendly File Manager currently available. After enough complaints, they did restore some of the missing features.
Desktop Icons? Those also predate Gnome 2.0 and Gnome, itself. Gotta go. Ancient decrepit things.
We all know people use desktop icons like crazy. (Admittedly, I never do. But I like to have the option available to do so if I choose).
Feature removed.
Which, again, is just another in a long list of what people actually used stripped away by Gnome for reasons that do not make any sense at all to the user and make sense only to Gnome and it's "philosophy." I think if people will be upset to see status icons gone- having the entire Desktop launchpoint removed is going to create Riots In The Streets. And who must deal with much of the fallout from that? The Distros far more often will bear the brunt, not Gnome.
And people wonder why I see Gnome as being just like Microsoft. Gnome wants complete control over your desktop.
What you will immediately notice is that the thing both of these features have in common is -user Customization.
Which explains how they do not align with Gnomes Philosophy and Goals. Gnome sees the entire layout and appearance of the desktop as "their Brand Image" and they seek to protect it. They clearly Do Not Believe what GNU stands for.
For Years, Gnome has dogged Themes and themers, dogged distros, and dogged independent developers pushing hard that they do nothing that might impact the Appearance of Gnome.
They have driven many away from GNU entirely, reducing and limiting open source development and expression of individuality.
And it's so blatantly obvious.
No, desktop and tray icons should stay- What Has to Go is Gnome. They are the antithesis of Free Open Source.