The latest Conspiracy Nutter craze is that 5G causes Covid-19.
I am not kidding. There are people that Actually Believe this.
I wonder if Television transmits the flu. <eyeroll>
Scientifically speaking, there is no evidence that 5G (Or 4G or 3G) are harmful in any way whatsoever. The exposure you get from being outside from cosmic radiation is by far, much stronger. And that is not even including Sunburns! Not to mention the radiation you are exposed to from... rocks.
And concrete. And bananas.
ehtrust or The Environmental Health Trust- is NOT a reputable nor legitimate Scientific Journal. It is NOT peer reviewed. It is NOT accredited.
Anyone can create a foundation with a "cause" and a fancy sounding name. I could create one promoting that the Earth is Flat. Without peer review and extensive literature with evidence, it means nothing. ... ion-155673