Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:58:10 pm
Those of you that still use Windows XP beware as the clock is ticking for you. Even though Microsoft is saying the official Windows XP support is ending in 2014. Don't believe everything you hear and see. The only reason why Microsoft officially extended Windows XP support was for the benefit of Government agencies around the globe. Basically why, as they took their time upgrading their systems from Windows 2000 to XP. And were complaining to Microsoft about having to upgrade again in such a short time to Windows 7, that in return would put a great financial strain in their pocket. So take it for what it's worth from one whom know's. After April 2013 watch what your doing on the NET. You will see little or no support after that date. Microsoft will be devoting all their time to Windows 7/8!!!!! And upcoming Windows Blue>>>>Improved version of Windows 8. And I suspect the Security/Antivirus Software giants will be following Microsoft shortly after!!!!