Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:55:50 am
Please tell me you guys remember the good old descent games?
They are arguably some of the best games out there and I still play em.
I just got back into them with the help of the dxx-rebirth engine and a c*** ton of community maps. All of which are legally free as the descent source is available, and community maps don't belong to parallax/interplay
However, note that the official maps ARE their propprietary property and you can only freely use the shareware content, and of course the community stuff. Anyone want to post screenies of their glx-pyro ;3
It would be nice if you could also post your favourite and least favourite moments in descent.
For me my favourite is getting quad level-5 lasers in descent 2
And my least favorite is turning the corner and coming to face to face with one of these @&)$("/ ... r+Face.jpg
"hi there I'm just going to tear a hole on the side of your ship, don't mind me"
They are arguably some of the best games out there and I still play em.
I just got back into them with the help of the dxx-rebirth engine and a c*** ton of community maps. All of which are legally free as the descent source is available, and community maps don't belong to parallax/interplay
However, note that the official maps ARE their propprietary property and you can only freely use the shareware content, and of course the community stuff. Anyone want to post screenies of their glx-pyro ;3
It would be nice if you could also post your favourite and least favourite moments in descent.
For me my favourite is getting quad level-5 lasers in descent 2
And my least favorite is turning the corner and coming to face to face with one of these @&)$("/ ... r+Face.jpg
"hi there I'm just going to tear a hole on the side of your ship, don't mind me"