First of all..I'm not aiming my words at one person !!!!
Below is directed at everyone...common to the subject of the matter !!!!
If you are a terrorist or suspected of being a terrorist !!!!
You will be tracked 24/7 !!!!
If you do anything majorly illegal [ capital crimes ] and suspected as such !!!! [ all-of-the-above ]
You will be tracked 24/7 !!!!
If you do above average shopping online.
In other words your a online shopaholic !!!!!
They will of course follow you all over the internet recording shopping habits !!!!
Including using the search engine for that purpose !!!!
If you don't have anything in common with the above.
Why are you worried about nothing !!!!
Most people I know don't have a thing to worry about with the snooping.
Microsoft doesn't have time and it is a great waist of money recording everyone's personal data !!!! [ anything everything ]
Microsoft isn't doing anything more... but covering their tail from legal liability in the future.
With Windows 10 advance capabilities > Cortana.... Microsoft will feel some heat from someone... somewhere !!!!
When that day comes their covered !!!!
Apple does the same exact thing !!!!
If you use [ opera ] [ chrome ] [ explorer ] [ firefox [ ... trust me...they already have your personal online habits.
Trust me they could care a less about most people like us.
We are the one's they can't make any money from our online habits.
Privacy on the web is a thing of the you might as well get used to the changes.
For it will get worse !!!!
AS more people go to the internet to make their living... the bad guys come right behind them to steal.
Either throw your computer away in the dumpster and quit the web all together !!!!
Deal with the changes that are before us in the present/future !!!!
And if you think that using [ linux ] instead of Windows will save you from being tracked. [ Online Habits ]
Your in for a rude awakening...when you cross the wrong path on the web !!!!