Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:35:51 am
I am struggling to install Zorin 11.0 on an MSI K8T Neo2-F motherboard with the latest Bios version and Zorin will not detect ANY mouse whatsoever! Ever try to install using the keyboard TAB and Enter buttons instead of GUI to see what happens?? A PITA with no **** to cure!
I have tried Optical, USB, USB with an adaptor to the round mouse port, mechanical ball mouse and even dug around in my junk box and tried an old mouse with the rectangular com port connector held on by the two screws! I also swapped the Plain Jane optical wheel mouse from the emachine with my so called fancier Microshaft optical wheel mouse. All mice have an umbilical cord or tail if you prefer because I figured trying a wireless rodent would be asking for trouble (I will try this next!!) An epidemic of rodents here sitting on my desk. The same DVD and USB flash or thumb drive was used on my T3256 emachine with an MSI K9N6PGM2-V2 with no problems and a fast installation. Is there an additional driver I have to shoehorn or force feed to my old Athlon MSI to get the mouse to talk to it's mother?? Otherwise both motherboards work fine with Windoze of all versions and the Zorin OS was easier to install on my emachine because so far no drivers or driver utilities were required during installation. As it was the onboard audio driver supplied by Realtek and MSI for Win XP 32 did not work on the emachine.