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Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:01:27 am
Hello folks have a problem with zorin when installing,I dont want a swap partition as I have 64 gb onboard ram but evey time I try to install without swap partition zorin installs swap on other hard drives how can I fix this problem
regards Ron
Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:44:31 pm
Can you disable the other drives in the BIOS first if they are internal? Then assuming Zorin will be the only OS on the drive just run straight install?
Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:24:36 pm
I often unplug all drives except the one I'm installing to. I call it the foolproof method. Of course, that's assuming you're working with a desktop.
Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:43:18 pm
From the disk/drive setup part of the installation process, choose something else method, select your partitions for /root and /home etc then click on the swap partition and choose "Do not use this partition".
I just tested this on a drive with Linux Mint on it that had 50GB free space in the middle and swap at the end and it worked, the fresh install had no swap available and the existing Mint still has it available, in fact on am on it right now. I have not tried this method on other drives in the system just ONE drive with swap on it.
When I clicked on 'Continue' for the installation I got a message about not having selected swap space and performance issues etc.
Begs the question, why you have swap on other partitions, I assume earlier installs and or RAM upgrade. Seems like Zorin is finding these during the install process. So if you have other drives or swap partitions on the machine, as suggested above remove/disconnect them for the install or try selecting there swap areas and choosing "Do not use this partition" method. As mentioned above I have only done this on ONE drive but don't see why it wouldn't work across other drives.
Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:17:17 am
Update a little, I just reconnected the other drive (not connected during above install test) and all 3 systems find there own swap/no swap, as per there install set up.
The fresh no swap installation still has 'no swap available' and the other 2 installs just use there own swap that was created during there respective installations.
I activated a second swap partition on another drive using "Disks" and it showed up in the system monitor immediately and was gone/not active upon reboot.
Tue Jul 25, 2017 2:14:39 am
This became a bit of an epic adventure for me!
I tested 2 different physical drives with one OS installed on each with their own swap space on same drive as the OS itself, and installing a 3rd OS onto one drive with 'Do not use this partition' selected for the swap space on both drives and it worked. This also allowed GRUB to find all the installed OS's.
I used Linux Mint 18.2 for all this testing.