Sat Dec 07, 2019 9:37:51 am
Hi there many thanks to those who had helped me with usual linux noob questions/issues
I just installed Zorin 15 OS Core a few days back and the machine is working great and all the key hardware are now up and running with various linux software so this greatly inspires my confidence for when i finally move away from Windows
My specific question this time is : has anyone successfully installed and watched/record Live TV on Zorin 15 using NPVR v5?
currently i've gotten my Geniatech T-230 usb tuner up and running using Kaffeine but i confess to being used to NPVR having used it for years on my Windows machines
My issue is having followed the instructions in link i keep getting a "E: Unable to locate package checkinstall" error
currently i've gotten my Geniatech T-230 usb tuner up and running using Kaffeine but i confess to being used to NPVR having used it for years on my Windows machines