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(SOLVED) install with windows


Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:22:29 am

Ok, simple question I reckon but want to be sure.

When I click install alongside windows, it shows my harddisk, and divides it into 2, I assume the 1st partition is where my windows install is, and the 2nd where zorin will go? My windows is currently taking up 141gb of 500gb, so, if I make the 1st partition 300gb(for windows), my zorin partition will be the rest, correct?


Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:50:50 pm

Hi and welcome,

yes you are correct, if you want to do a bit more of an advanced install, you can create your own partitions and use them, when asked by the installer where you want to install, select something else and point it to the 3 partitions you already created.

1 root ( / is the mount point) of about 15 - 20 GB
2 swap which should be twice your RAM on an older PC (swap has no mount point)
3 home which should be nothing less than 20 - 30 GB ( /home is the mount point)


Regards Wolfman :D


Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:16:54 pm

Hi Thanks for the reply, i decided to just dive straight in anyway haha, i have now got Zorin installed and am in it replying now. im just about to reboot after doing some updates, then gonna boot into windows 7 again to make sure it still works :P.

thanks again



Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:50:28 pm




Hi Mikey,

please check out the how-to's to guide you a little.

Regards Wolfman :D