Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:16:54 am
I have been trying to install zorin for days now. I have tried 3 different discs and a couple different builds, 6.3 and 6.4. They get to about half way through the "copying files" and the video and the installer crashes in near the same place every time. first it told me may be a problem with the install media so I burned a new DVD, then the same thing without the message about media. It seems to fail when the backup icon appears in the task bar during the install. It runs very well from live DVD and I would really like to give it a good try with a full install . I have a Dell Dimesion 4600, 2.66ghz, 1.5 ram, clean 40 G hd. Any tricks or tips will be welcome and don't be afraid to treat me like a linux newbie cause thats what I AM!