I couldn't follow madvinegar's trick to the letter because I do not see the options he mentions for installing "grub" to another location. If I load directly into the installer without loading the Live system which is how I always install a distro, I do see the drop down box to change the location of the "bootloader" but it's on the same initial screen where you choose your partition; there is no other area to choose where to install grub that has a Back button.. if from here I had a back button.. it would put me back at the Welcome screen which ask me to choose a language.( I always choose Something Else)
I also tried this after booting the live system fully then choosing the installer. I did unmount any partitions the installer sees. I do not get the option to unmount these partitions from the installer when loaded from " load installer directly" - It Only shows up after loading the full live system.
Another thing, is I've never tried to install to a drive before that does not have a copy of windows installed - there is no active or boot partition on this external drive. I thought this might be my problem so i tried to install as this video suggests and it didn't work either.. still Grub fails to install to dev/sdb
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDM2LqFoHv4 the video has you create a /boot area which I tried but it didn't help. they have you create
The Partitions You Have To Create are:
A 500 MB partition mounted as /boot
Your choice sized partition for Ubuntu and files mounted as /
And a 4 GB partition used as swap space
( I created these partitions with Mini Tools Partition Wizard in Windows, I do not use Gparted unless I'm using it from a live installer. I'm more comfortable creating these partitions in windows first then simply choosing them in the Linux installer.)
Here is a screenshot of my partitions ( the external is Disk 2)
http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8991/h1ts.pngI told the installer to use the 99 gig as /Root to install the Zorin to. My Swap should be 5 gigs not 47 but i'll fix that later as this is a test to be sure i can get all this working.. it can stay like it is for now, it was just a typo when setting up the swap. I still told the installer to install the bootloader on My Book dev/sdb - which is my The Tardis NTFS partition. I did not point the bootloader to the 500 MB /Boot area.. don't know if I could or should.
The 2.6 Terabyte NTFS partition you see is backup storage space for windows and Linux . If I can get this working, I plan to have Zorin on one 100 gig partition and create two other blank 100 gig partitions so I can install other distros to those in the future.
I didn't try disconnecting my internal drive - perhaps I may need to do this for installation, but it's not practical to disconnect that drive every time I want to boot from the external drive. I do know my computer will boot from a USB flash drive with an OS installed on it - this will be the first time I've tried to install an OS to a USB 3.0 mechanical drive - still even if my PC refuses to boot it.. that should not effect if Grub installs or not.
I CAN move the 80 gigs of PC data I have from The Tardis ( My Book's volume name) to my internal hard drive then copy it back later if i need to re-formatt the drive and start from scratch.
I feel like I'm missing something simple and just don't know what it is.