Wolfman wrote:Hi,
lets back up a little.
when you were at this window during the install:
You were asked for a password, which password did you put in there?.
Whatever password you put in, that is the password you should be using for all admin work, if you have not assigned any other users to the PC, whatever user name you put in, is also the only username you will need!.
As I posted earlier, the Guest account won't let you do anything.
Please refrain from verbal attacks on other foum members, no one is saying you are stupid, questions must be asked to get to the root of the problem which may sound demeaning!.
Wolfman - I had already answered that question, more than once - I had said that I was shown as logged in as administrator, so being asked it again, to me, implied I was stupid. No offence meant, just a bit of frustration coming out.
Now, as to your picture, that is exactly what I saw and exactly what I did - Clearly there is no request there for a second,
root, password; hence my frustration. I am now even more frustrated, as having tried the encrypted option, I am now locked out of the computer as I am getting a message that the "Crypt set-up has failed" There is something seriously bugged about the installation procedure with this OS - First the spurious "Guest" business now, after the inability to access updates and installations, the failed encrypted log-in. And no, I hadn't forgotten the password, I have it written down in front of me.