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No Root File System Defined


Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:10:14 pm

Hi Folks - Can anyone help me. I get the No Root File System Defined Message whilst I am trying to install Zorin alongside W7 on an Acer Aspire Laptop. I have a single HDD with 2 Logical Data Partitions and now 2 primary partitions plus the 100 MB micky mouse floating partition that is associated with W7 but it will not allow me to complete the install, I get a message No Root File System Defines. I have tried to Format the intended partition with an NTFS File Format and there are some other choices but the help file states I should assign a root file with a / and that is as far as I can get being a PC buff, any ideas, thanks Dave


Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:36:50 pm

Hi and welcome! I would remove the ntfs partition for Zorin - it needs to be 'ext4' - as for dual booting, I would go for this method:


Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:49:59 pm

OK - Thanks for info, I did do this but I also had to hide two logical drives as well.


Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:55:09 pm

Hi, so is your issue resolved or are you still having some problems? I have an HP Mini and whilst I have a similar set up I could not install GNU/Linux onto it because HP marked all of the partitions primary - even the restore partition! :D