Hi, Can you tell us if you still have your original Zorin installed? Is it dual boot? Do you have any critical data on your existing Zorin install?
Also, when you download the package it is a .7-zip file - to make sure that the md5 sum of the 7-zip file is correct, navigate to where you downloaded it to via the Terminal (Ctrl+ Alt+ T) using the 'cd ..' command to change directory from your default '/home':
- Code:
cd .. Downloads
- Code:
md5sum [name of your downloaded .7z file EXACTLY as it is named
Wait a few seconds then check the md5sum that should have been emailed with the password to extract the .iso.
Then if using Brasero on your existing Zorin install, open Brasero first then browse to where the extracted .iso is and burn at slowest possible speed your burner will allow - most modern DVD writers won't burn below 4x.