A. Did you use the latest version of Firefox? - It is the best way to download Zorin isos.
1. Did you use any download accelerators?
2. Did you bother to check the md5sum?
How to do this in Windows: GNU/Linux:
Navigate to the 'Downloads' folder in a terminal (Ctrl+ Alt+ T0 then enter:
- Code:
md5sum zorin-os-9-core-32-a.iso
*Note this is an example - we don't know which version of Zorin you downloaded or type (e.g., Core/Lite/Education)
wait about 20-30 seconds and you get the md5 sum
3. If using Windows to burn, ONLY use imgburn - get it from When burning use the slowest speed that your burner will run at - I set imgburn to 1x and it told me my burner did not support that - it is 4x minimum (slowest) speed.
4. If using GNU/Linux Gnome Desktop, launch Brasero first then select the image to burn - NEVER right-click an iso to burn with Brasero - unless you like lots of coasters to put your drinks glasses on. Make sure you select the slowest speed your burner can take - most modern ones are 4x