That's ok buddy...i suspected that might be the case since Ubuntu doesn't have it either (they expect it to be in the next version)...
I've been looking at the live dvd of Zorin 5 RC and it is REALLY NICE...some very nice improvements over Zorin 4 including a much more attractive default desktop wallpaper and lots of nice refinements and of course newer applications...
Unfortunately, just like all the other distros that have the new kernel (including mint 11 of course)...There is a major BUG in it that causes many (but not everyone) to have a large increase in power consumption (as much as 30%!) my Toshiba Laptop if one of those "lucky ones" that gets the bug...The result is my fan is constantly running to prevent overheating...And even worse...after a few hours it will often cause the computer to shut down altogether...
I don't experience it on my current Mint 10 installation because that uses the previous kernel...Both Ubuntu and Debian are well aware of the bug and it is considered a major was discovered about a month or so ago when people started downloading distros like ubuntu 11.04 en mass...The problem is being worked on...unknown when it will be fixed...
So no Zorin 5 for me at this time, unfortunately....A shame as i REALLY like it a lot...Will have to stay with Mint 10 for now....No point in going to Zorin 4...i'd rather have Zorin 5 installed...
Nothing the Zorin guys can really do about it...a fix will have to come from ubuntu and debian...