Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:30:12 am
Hello my name is Daryl and I am having some issues I just did a fresh install of Zorin os 10 core and I am having some issues with it I did the right steps and I did last time when I was running mint 17.3 Rosa and then tryed running it and it ran some things and had me run some other actions and configured wine and all that and now it wont start so I open firefox and try running netflix there and I run into you must have a HTML veiwer or silverlight so I said ok lets install pipelight then I run thoes steps it seems to be going ok untill I put the comand "sudo apt-get install pipelight" it starts off fine the it tells me it cannot find pipelight. I am wondering why I am having these issues and if there is anything I can do. Also so everyone knows I did a full system update and I did some things off of another thread I will reply with the URL link when I find it