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I killed my install, apparently


Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:39:18 pm

I don't know what I did.
I rebooted my pc.
I tried to log in to the sole account on the pc.
I typed the password.
I pressed enter.
The screen went black for half a second.
It went back to the login screen.
I logged into the guest account.
Tried to do "su <other account>"
Didn't work, said I didn't have permissions.
Tried to open a tty.
Not working, black screen with a blinking underline cursor.
People online are saying that the tty is because I have nvidia drivers.
But they also say, the tty is still there, just not displaying.
So I log in with my account in the tty.
I try my best to type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" (people said that that might work)
then I tried to type my password.
I exited the tty and in a terminal emulator on the guest account I used while true; do clear; ps all | grep "tty3"; sleep 1; done
(I used tty3 to put in the command)
For the last 15 minutes, there have been two apt-get's on the screen of the guest terminal.
Actually, just checked, they are gone.
If everything works after a reboot, I will delete this post.
If it doesn't, I will edit the post to say it didn't.
If I don't do anything, my pc is dead.
Farewell fellow linux users, wish me luck in my reboot!

The reboot did not help anything. I am mad.

I opened up the tty after that last reboot.
I logged in (still blank though)
I typed "startx"
It took a second.
It got me into my main account's desktop, which is where I am writing this from.
So at this point I have root access.
That should help things a bit


Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:20:20 pm

When the boot menu of GRUB appears try booting into 'Advnaced Mode' and choose an earlier Kernel - it might have been a new Kernel update that 'killed' your PC? ;) :D


Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:45:13 pm

Swarfendor437 wrote:When the boot menu of GRUB appears try booting into 'Advnaced Mode' and choose an earlier Kernel - it might have been a new Kernel update that 'killed' your PC? ;) :D

I'll try that, at the moment I have removed my gfx card, boot the machine on intel graphics, removed the nvidia drivers, installed the open source ones. then put my card back. It said that my graphics configuration was messed up or something, but I opened a tty (worked this time) and ran startx, and it worked. Though, if it continues to happen, I will try doing what you said


Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:02:25 pm

I tried that, the pc just kept a black screen. Couldn't do anything. The hard drive activity light was off as well. I restarted, tried to log in, but failed, simply going black, then going to the login screen. Then, I had an idea. What if this was a good thing. What if it was just super awesome security and if you want to get into the pc you have to open a tty, type my username and password perfectly, without seeing what you are doing, and then type startx, and finally press ctrlC 4 times because startx hates me and wants me to do that if I want it to start

But srsly, what is going on?


Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:36:39 pm

Can we rewind please?
