Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:44:02 pm
I have X-Plane 10 as a flight Simulator. I have not installed yet. I have a dedicated partion on an ssd for it to be installed too. My question is I know that wine creates a fake "c" drive within the home folder. X Plane can get to be upwards of 70gb's. I really would not want to install this on my home partition as you call it. I have a 120gb ssd that windows and zorin are installed on. I would like very much to install xplane to this separate ssd. Is there a way to do it. I am totally new. I right clicked on the root folder and this is what it is called: X-Plane 10 Copy 1
Folder (inode/directory)
It is shared with permission to read and write and the owner is "ME". Also in the wine version I have it goes as high as winxp. Is there a version that supports win7 or 8? I hope i haven't thoroughly confused you. X Plane comes in windows and linux flavor but i assume i would download the windows version and it will be installed (if we can move wine) on an ext4 partition.
THANK YOU!! for any help.
Bob M
Folder (inode/directory)
It is shared with permission to read and write and the owner is "ME". Also in the wine version I have it goes as high as winxp. Is there a version that supports win7 or 8? I hope i haven't thoroughly confused you. X Plane comes in windows and linux flavor but i assume i would download the windows version and it will be installed (if we can move wine) on an ext4 partition.
THANK YOU!! for any help.
Bob M