Normally when I'm installing the nvidia drivers, I follow a few steps that seem to work every time.
BUT, I must say, it can cause issues later down the road (when the kernal updates) and the drivers will then need to be reinstalled,. and sometimes it can be a pain to do that.
First I switch to a tty
- Code:
ctrl + atl + F2
then I login with my username and password and switch to where I downloaded the files to
- Code:
cd $HOME/Downloads
After this I change to the root user
- Code:
sudo su
It should ask for your password, it WILL NOT display anything when your typing fyour password, that is normal.
Next, I stop the display manager (lightdm for Z9 Core)
- Code:
service lightdm stop
- Code:
systemctl stop lightdm
Now to make sure we can run the NVIDIA driver installer
- Code:
chmod 777
Now to run the installer
- Code:
Follow the on screen prompt untill the install is complete! Then restart the display manager
- Code:
service lightdm start
- Code:
systemctl start lightdm
Normally I think it will switch from your tty to the newly started display manager if not try using one of the following.
- Code:
ctrl + alt + F7
- Code:
ctrl + alt + F1