Don't feel bad there Jape, I know how you feel man. I myself have been struggling with Zorin lately, its not a perfect OS by any means. And most certainly Windows 7 was easier to use and more reliable, well, until the OS got corrupted after 4 years, then it was a unreliable mess lol. But like you said, we don't have much choice. I too will not allow Microsoft to infringe upon my constitutional rights to privacy, and in my home no less! Basically, Microsoft has put themselves in a position where they say, "if we want to turn on your notebook camera while your child is changing, we will!" They think they are above the law, I am here to say different. I will never ever put that evil Windows 10 OS on my computer, no sir!
Now as I said, Zorin is not perfect. But I am impressed with what it can do, and I do think that what it can do will fullfill most people. And Jape, you did your bit for king and country, now its time to sit down, relax to some fancy graphics that make you go ahhh lol. I do agree, wishing there was less terminal BS, but that is not Zorin's fault, that is the fault of Linux in general, I've learned that pretty much all Linux distro's require the use of terminal at one point or another. So I do agree that its going to be time yet before they have matched what Windows does without terminal code use.
But something else you have to think about. With Microsofts evil choices to spy on you and share your information with everyone, you gotta wonder just how many more Windows users are going to be switching to Linux? Its in my humble opinion that Microsoft will loose a huge amount of market share on Windows 10 within 5 years, and within 10 years, I think that most people won't be using Windows OS's of any kind by then, and most will be using Mac OS, Linux, and Android. So I guess my point is with more people switching to Linux distro's, I think it might make things serious enough to want to improve upon Linux that much quicker.
Ideally, we as users want the convenience, easy to use, automated style of Windows, but without all the malware! In other words, our computer's obey us, not the other way around. But the one thing I really love about Linux, is that its software by members for the members. And knowledge is sharred in the Linux community, not kept hidden to be used for evil corperate gains and ways to screw the consumer. I know many will have the view that Linux has had what 20 years to get where Windows 7 was today. But you have to realize that only a small percentage in these past 20 years actually used Linux.
Back in the day Linux was known as a OS that only Linux geeks could operate. And it was a nice way of calling them geeks rather then hackers, cause thats what they really were. With Windows being the largest selling mainstreem OS, there was no pressure or interest in the Linux OS. But now with Microsofts BS regarding Windows 10, I think that now the pressure is on and now people are seriously considering Linux. Which means, if there ever were a time that Linux got better to the point of being at least as good as Windows 7, now would be the time to start.
So don't get me wrong, I love Zorin OS 12, its even better then Zorin OS 9 in many ways. It might not be a perfect OS, but when it comes to an OS for beginners who are previously Windows users, I think that Zorin is the best distro in that regard. I know this was long but I felt it needed to be said. Also, I have been enjoying Cup Of Linux from Spartry on Youtube, he has a lot of knowledge on Linux, has many wonderful topics on Linux, and he created his own distro, pretty neat stuff.