Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:29:55 am
I installed Zorin 12 a couple days ago, and so far, i only have a couple complaints. First, i am a new linux user, so some of it is still way over my head, but google and forum searches have helped quite a bit, except on two issues, one being, my desktop icons are beyond huge, with i think also corresponds with the desktop sizing. When i say huge, i have a 42 tv that i am using, through an HDMI cable, with an Nvidia geforce 730gt graphics card, and, from 25 feet away, without my glasses (yes, i have bad eyes) i can still see the icons very clearly. i did an experiment, and it only take 14 icons to fill up half the screen. I have tried every suggestion i have come across, from Nautilus (which doesnt seem to be installed, and inaccessible), to downloading the tweak tools, to using the KDE touchpad configuration, to the Nvidia settings, and no matter what i try, nothing seems to work. Anyone have any ideas?