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[SOLVED] WiFi connection sporadic

Finston Pickle

Fri Apr 07, 2017 3:04:31 pm

I am sorry to raise another topic, but my Zorin12 Ultimate WiFi connection on my new Kratos 1000, specifically Linux, laptop is sporadic at best - it was great on an ethernet connection.

I find that after a power off and restart - or even a lid closed and restart - it often does not pick up my BT router. I never once had this problem with my other cheap, Toshiba Zorin 9 laptop.

I decided to post after it picked up my own BT hotspot and I was being asked to pay for access to my own router!

Any ideas?


Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:42:33 am

When did you join BT? ... ccess.html

Scroll to bottom of article to see why I asked the question.

Finston Pickle

Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:02:24 pm

October 2015, so I have the FON automatically, I guess - a bit of a cheek by BT, but I knew that they did this.

My laptop was set to use the BT router, not the FON - why my laptop selected the FON, I don't know.

Not much of an issue - just strange!

Finston Pickle

Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:09:46 pm

It seems as though things are back to running as they were. WiFi connection OK and not dropping out

The only thing I have done is switch on the firewall and delete the flower settings thingy for my BT router's FON option (something that allows third parties to use part of my bandwidth by paying BT, apparently), which had mysteriously appeared (the settings flower thingy, that is).