Sat May 06, 2017 1:41:13 am
After my update this morning I turned the machine off in the usual way. Tonight I started up and there is a problem. When the script arrived at "LSB: VirtualBox Linux kernal module" it then kicked me into terminal. It was called "Zorin OS 12.1 zorin tty1" followed by a request for login.
I tried a couple of things but the desktop didn't come back. I see the directory's are still the same.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Did you fix it?
Is there something I can try?
After my update this morning I turned the machine off in the usual way. Tonight I started up and there is a problem. When the script arrived at "LSB: VirtualBox Linux kernal module" it then kicked me into terminal. It was called "Zorin OS 12.1 zorin tty1" followed by a request for login.
I tried a couple of things but the desktop didn't come back. I see the directory's are still the same.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Did you fix it?
Is there something I can try?