Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:14:18 am
I am using Zorin 10 64 bit and want to try Mycroft, an open source virtual assistant. It seems complicated to set up but the easy way is to use a "Mycroft-AI-Gnome-Shell-Extension" (https://github.com/lolstring/gnome-shel ... on-mycroft) via Gnome Tweak Tools. This Gnome extension will allow you to download install the software. The first steps in the install guide (https://github.com/lolstring/gnome-shel ... stallation) is to get Tweak Tools, open it and go to the extensions tab. I managed to download Tweak Tools but there is no extension tab showing. I wonder if this is because I don't have a complete version of Gnome installed or if it's something else. What do I need to make the Extensions tab show up, do I need to install the Gnome desktop environment?