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Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:57:49 pm
My Mose quit working yesterday. The Batteries that were in it, were about a Week old. I took the Precaution of installing new Batteries today, but it still does not work. The Touch Pad works fine. Does anyone have any Ideas? Do I maybe need to get a new Mouse? Thanks.
Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:30:47 am
Batteries in correctly? Batteries still fresh, even new ones can fail? Settings changed to disable mouse in software?
Try unplugging and re plugging, try a different USB port, try it on another device and / or another mouse on your device.
Also if it is a ( I assume it is because of batteries) wireless mouse sometimes plugging in other USB devices like flash drives can interfere with wireless. Or if you recently changed where you use your computer to a different location?
You could also try booting up a live USB/DVD session/media of your Linux distro (like when you installed Linux) and test that way if you don't have another device or mouse to test as mentioned above.
Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:18:26 pm
Thanks for the replies. Sorry that I am so late in replying. I solved the Problem. I had to replace the Mouse.