(edit) for some reason I didn't see the replies above on the second page here when I made my answer below but I will leave the reply as I posted it!
I am using Linux Mint Mate 18.1 (16.04) 64 bit but I don't think that should change much for our purpose here. Not sure if a 32 bit machine and or OS would make any difference to "Seeing" a drive of larger capacity such your 34GB? Someone else may like to clarify if this is so!
This is a different computer than the other screen shots above, it has a DVD, Bluray, 2 x SSD's and 2 x HDD, yep six drives permanently installed and 3 USB drives plugged in here.
The picture shows my file manger (Caja) in the background with the 'Disks' utility in foreground, I have 'clicked' on the Bluray (Patriots Day) so its content show on the right hand side, but the DVD drive is not present in the FM because it has no disk inserted, yet clearly visible in 'Disks' as CD/DVD Drive, the sixth item down from top.
The first item in Disks is 128 GB Disk Samsung SSD 850 PRO 128GB, that is what my system is running from yet it doesn't show in the FM accept as 'File System' third item down in the left pane. In Windows it would be the "C" Drive! To see your 'system' or 'C' drive with PCmanFM you would need to go to "Directory Tree" in the view settings.
Another thing to note is a Windows PC (File Manager = Explorer?) will always show your drives, such as my DVD drive, even without a disk in it (D, E, F, Drive??) whereas Linux does not until it is 'mounted'.
You can see in my FM "Tools" and "Multisystem" they are 2 partitions on the 62 GB (USB) Drive shown in the Disks utility and I have clicked on it there. So it shows in FM as 2 drives. Also note that my system can 'see' drives larger than your 34GB so I am not sure if something with your drive or limitation of your PC or OS. I would try deleting the partitions and/or reformatting your 34GB again, even in another machine if it doesn't work, maybe in a Windows machine you have access to such.
Can you 'See' your 34GB in another machine and or read/write to the disk?
Sorry I got a little long winded here but just wanted to show some differences and examples for clarity as I know I struggled when I first started using Linux a few short years ago, hope this helps.