OK, you download the .tar.gz file to Downloads - you extract it here and it makes a folder of the same name with all the files int - once all permissions have been set on the files I quoted you are good to go.
Open a Terminal - from the Menu it is under Utilities or keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+ Alt+ T. Then navigate to the folder with the python file in it like this.
1. cd Downloads
2. cd sa00086_Linux
3. now enter the command
- Code:
python ./intel_sa00086.py
- now I have to admit, when I did it I may have run it as:
- Code:
sudo ./intel_sa00086.py
it still ran - i would put 'sudo' in front of the 'python' bit at the start but spaced as:
- Code:
sudo python ./intel_sa00086.py
What I failed to notice from the download page of the detection tool is a list of manufacturers at the bottom who have supplied a fix - Samsung is ominously missing!