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Unknow Unknowns and Software and Updates

Finston Pickle

Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:50:33 am

I was looking is “software and updates” when I noticed a reference to “Unknown:unknown”.

See screenshot:

Screenshot from 2018-01-27 08-30-38.png

What could it be?

What would happen if I clicked on the bell push icon next to “Unknown:unknown”?

Would the unknown become known?

Also, as I was finishing up, “software and updates” came up with a box saying that the data base was out of date and I would require a working internet connection for it to be updated. Of course, I am using my internet connection to post this thread. How can I check “software and updates” 's internet connection is working - does it use a different one to this one I'm using?


Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:36:26 pm


1. Unknown:Unknown - this is usually a reference to the Intel microcode for Intel processors - I wouldn't use it at present:


2. Issue with Updates: it could be a glitch in Apt which is what the GUI of Software and Updates uses. Try the terminal method:

Menu | Utilities | Terminal and enter:

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade

You will be asked for your user password - please note that you will not receive any graphical representation of your password. ;) :D